In Junglinster an energy production facility based at a maximum on renewable energies (biogas + wood combustion) has started to be realized (December 2012) together with a district heating system of a total length of 6 km connecting different heat consumers located in an commercial activity zone, and in future also in a new village center.

To reach a best possible efficiency the use of the anaerobic digestion together with the combustion of woodchips has been implemented. These two technologies also allow to use different sort of locally available biomass( wet biomass and lignified biomass).

The biogas plant guarantees a continuous production of green heat and electricity. Additionally to the heat base load has been installed a woodchip burner with a thermal production capacity of 3 MW. To produce the peak load a normal fuel burner will be installed. The green electricity of the biogas plant will be fed into the public electricity grid.

The project is developed by a group of local actors (two local companies, five local farmers and different private investors) also in order to develop a sustainable project able to create added value and additional working places. The plant will be owned and operated by Lënster Energie sàrl together with the assistance of L.E.E. sàrl.


Basic information Name of the legal entity: L.E.E. SÀRL
Country: Luxembourg
Project value (EUR): 11.000.000,-
Staff provided: 5
Client: Lënster Energie s.à r.l.
Origin of fundings: private
Dates (start-end): 2007 - ongoing
Input biogas plant
and combustion
Liquid- and solid manure: 6.000 tons/year
Agricultural biomass:
11.350 tons/year (energy crops, liquid manure, solid manure)
Greenery waste:
1.000 tons/year (grass and lignified waste)
Woodchips 6.000 m³/year
Technical Data
Technology employed: Biogas (anaerobic digestion and combustion)
Total reactor volume: 4.000 m³
Energy production
Biogas: 2.980.000 m³/year
Installed electrical capacity: 0,76 MWel. (CPH)
Annual production of electricity: 6.370.000 kWhel/year
Installed thermal capacity: 0,855 MWtherm (CPH)
Annual production of heat: 7.200.000 kWhtherm/year
Process heat consumption 1.300.000 kWhtherm/year
District heating biogas heat: 4.500.000 kWhtherm/year
District heating woodchip burner: 4.500.000 kWhtherm/year
Services provided

Project Planning:

Feasibility study
Mass and energy balance
Authorisation procedures
Call of tender
Engineering design: Basic engineering
Detailed engineering
Financial engineering
Project implementation: Supervision of construction (has started in December 2012)
Start-up of the process
Operation (after construction and start-up)